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The Dark Side of AI: When Even the Smartest Machines Go Wrong
The Fallibility of AI : When Even the Smartest Machines Make Big Mistakes
Artificial intelligence (A I) has come a long way in recent years, with numerous applications in a variety of fields. From self-driving cars to virtual assistants , AI has the potential to make our lives easier and more efficient . However , it is important to recognize that AI is not always as smart as it is made out to be and can sometimes make major mistakes .
One example of this is the “ AI winter” of the mid-1970s , when a series of over-hyped and under performing AI projects led to a collapse in funding and a decrease in interest in the field. At the time, there was a widespread belief that AI was on the cusp of solving a wide range of problems and revolutionizing various industries. However, the reality turned out to be far less impressive, as many AI systems were unable to deliver on their promise . This led to a“winter” in the field, as funding dried up and interest waned
Another example of the fallibility of AI is the DeepMind AlphaGo program, which was developed to play the complex board game of Go . in 2016 the program made headlines when it defeated a human champion at the game, demonstrating the impressive capabilities of AI . However, just a few months later , the program was defeated by a different…